B-LA-M Festival 2024
Scope BLN
B-LA-M Festival 2024 at Scope BLN
Flo Maak, Jorge Mujica, Adam Rabinowitz, Andrea Romero and Caitlin Ross
June 27 – July 12, 2024
Opening: Thursday, June 27 at 6 pm.
We are honored that Scope BLN participates in B-LA-M Festival - a three-year art exchange
created to deepen the relationships between the independent art scenes of Berlin, Los
Angeles and Mexico City.
54 art collectives will come together to develop and realize 18 joint projects in each city. Our
city-wide exhibitions will be accompanied by a transdisciplinary program of screenings,
performances, readings, exhibition tours, and more.
The first stop in 2024 is Berlin and over the next two years, exhibitions will be presented in
partner art spaces in Mexico City (2025) and Los Angeles (2026).
For the current exhibition and the exhibitions in the following years, Scope BLN is in
cooperation with Casa Roga, Mexico City and CACtTUS Gallery, Los Angeles.
Flo Maak's contribution to B-LA-M Festival 2024 deals with the Korean Golden Silk Spider, its
coloration and occurrence around Seoul. The work “Descent" shows part of a huge spider
web, its inhabitants and some of their prey. In the background, blurred, is a small town on
the east coast of South Korea. The second image is from the series "String Stories" and
shows the abandoned webs of the aforementioned spider. All of the images in this series
were taken in front of colored backgrounds using artificial light to reveal the fine threads.
The yellow and black coloration of the spiders is a warning to potential predators not to eat
them. The same warning colors are used in the city of Seoul to highlight the physical dangers
for those navigating the network of streets in the busy metropolis.
“Estudio de sombras en terciopelo I, II and III“ by Andrea Romero are made with velvet,
applied using screen printing, and play with supports that allow a different relationship with
light. In the case of paper, it creates a surface that absorbs light.
The works correspond to a project about shadows and their ability to trigger images and
memories—the conceptual and material exploration of the velvet questions the limits
between a picture and an object. The velvet gives body to the image and the possibility of
reproducing shadows and inhabiting the space.
The installation "Tri-Cluster" brings together three distinct approaches to color and space.
Adam Rabinowitz explores the conceptual and physical dimensions through his imaginative
landscapes. Caitlin Ross employs a physical approach to color, using cast shadows to invert
fictional elements. Jorge Mujica creates sculptures that fracture the panorama, forming
visual portals and casting shadows in space.
The installation showcases the artist's individual ideas, interlocking visually to create a
dynamic conversation. This collaborative effort aims to create an arc of visual growth,
beginning in Berlin and extending to Los Angeles and Mexico City.

Thursday, June 27 at 6 pm.
Scope BLN
Lübecker Str. 43 10559 Berlin
Working hours: Thursday - Saturday 1 pm - 7 pm