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Courtesy: Thomas Rotenberg

April 7, 2022



Digital Fairy Tales: Transformation!

Participating artists: Juliane Ebner, Julia Obst and Eric Dunlap, Alexis Karl and Adam Torkel, Juliane Pieper and Sea of Daisies, Thomas Rotenberg, Sandra Ratkovic

Special guest in Berlin, Toronto and online: Adele Oko

Presented by Leo Kuelbs Collection

Translated by Sanj Nair

Digital Fairy Tales: Transformation! delves back into the Franz Xaver von Schönwerth archive of old German folk tales for a selection featuring wise animals making magic transformations.

A group of filmmakers, illustrators, musicians, photographers, performers, and video artists have re-imagined these once often told tales in and for our digital era. In doing so, surprising connections through time, geographies, realities even, are articulated, and enlivened.

This is the eighth installment of the Digital Fairy Tales series which began in 2016, though it really began in the 1700s (or earlier) in the Oberfalz area of Germany, near what is today the Czech Republic.

Thanks to the von Schönwerth archive and Erika Eichenseer; Regensburg, Germany


One night, three screenings
in Berlin, New York & Toronto

April 7, (Thursday), 2022


from 7pm till 9pm


Scope BLN

Lübecker Straße 43, 10559 Berlin

The event will take place in compliance with all Covid-19 pandemic measures. Protective masks and a distance of 1.5 m between the guests are required. 

New York City

from 7pm till 10 pm

Live on the Manhattan Bridge 

Online begins at 2pm (NYC time)

Read more:


from 6pm till 10pm EST


The Drey

Woodbine Ave, M4C 4E1, Toronto: 1229A

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